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Holiday Offer - Select what you want by CLICKING the BOXES next to each one below and also enter the Holiday Coupon Code on the checkout page... 25OFF2018
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Holiday Offer - Select what you want by CLICKING the BOXES below and on the checkout page enter the Holiday Coupon Code ... 25OFF2018
PSTEC 2018 Happy Holiday Offer Instructions ....... 1.Select your products - click the box next to each one; 2. Enter your email address; 3. Click Proceed to Checkout ... On the Checkout Page, 4. Enter this coupon code in the "Coupon" field: 25OFF2018 (it's case sensitive), 5. Click the Apply Coupon button and you will see your discounted price displayed on the page.
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PSTEC Level 1 Audio Package **This is a download in MP3 format** (h)
The PSTEC Level 1 Audio Package includes seven audio files; An Introduction to PSTEC, The PSTEC Therapy Course, Success and PSTEC Positive (instructions); PSTEC Positive Click Track 1, the tapping version; and PSTEC Positive Click Track 2, the non tapping version; the two Enhanced Effectiveness (EEF) Click Tracks for particularly "sticky" issues.
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PSTEC Accelerator Audio Package **This is a download in MP3 format**
If you are going to use PSTEC for extensive work; meaning for various issues that come up in your life or if you are facing some heavy, heavy and long standing traumas; best to get this package. It not only speeds up the effectiveness of other PSTEC tracks, but also helps to encourage the subconscious to reveal more "junk" so you know what to target and, therefore, release even more barriers. Includes 5 audios; tutorial, two relax tracks, long and short version; two tapping tracks.
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How to Achieve Almost Anything - The Easy Way (with PSTEC) Audio Package **This is a download in MP3 format**
Includes 5 audios on how to use PSTEC to acheive sucess in business, lose weight, better relationships; just about anything (approximately 3 hours of instruction) ... Also, includes the Bonus Program; You ARE Amazing!
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PSTEC Positive Extra Power **This is a download in MP3 format**
PSTEC Positive Extra Power Tracks amplify the power of your abilities to shift your beliefs higher and further than ever. Includes instructional audio and 3 PSTEC Positive Tracks; 2 tapping and 1 non-tapping. 13MB of audio files.
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PSTEC Click Track 2015 - **This is a download in MP3 format**
Click Track 2015 is totally new and these SIX new Click Tracks push the boundaries of what's possible EVEN further. Includes audio instructions, the "wrapper" instructions and six (6) Click Tracks (all in mp3 audio format).
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PSTEC Cascade Release Audio Package - Suitable Only for Therapists **This is a download in MP3 and PDF formats**
***Recommended Only for Therapists.*** We thought is was only for therapists to use with their clients, but feedback is increasing from many people that have used it in self-help. Includes 4 audios; one audio with a full tutorial of the Cascade Release Technique; two audios to guide the client through the process; one audio with only the click track so you can use your own voice in working with your client and a pdf document with the scripts if you use your own voice.
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No More Anxiety ***This is a download in MP3 format***
No More Anxiety includes a short instructional tutorial and one track to complement the use of the PSTEC Click Tracks. It's not a tapping type of track and not a hypnotic track; it's completely different!
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No More Anger Package **This is a download in MP3 format**
“No More Anger” will come to you as three MP3 files with instant download. It’s easy to use but it will make you think deeply to experience a genuine inner peace. Comes with mp3 instructions.
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PSTEC Belief Blasters ***This is a download in MP3 format***
Belief Blasters includes a short instructional tutorial and four tracks for removing negative beliefs.
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PSTEC Positive Quantum Turbo ***This is a download in MP3 format***
Includes a short instructional tutorial and two Quantum Turbo tracks.
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